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Digital Detoxing:Why You Should Unplug and How to Start

Unplug and Recharge

Welcome Back Lovelies

As the new year begins, I thought it was best to remind everyone how important it is to take a digital detox every once in awhile to recharge and refocus. In this digital age it is easy to get consumed by technology and social media. Despite the revolutionary advancements that technology has made for our day to day lives, too much of anything can be bad.

For today’s blog post, we’ll be discussing how to properly take a digital detox and sharing some tips on how to relax. Taking a digital detox can significantly improve your overall well-being by helping you reconnect with yourself and reduce stress.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference"

If you are a planner like me, letting go of your plans can be difficult. I try to go with the flow, but the flow does not want to go with me. As a planner, I try to plan my life down to the wire, but I have learned that life will not always go my way. During my times of adversity though, I have learned that it is better to embrace change rather than resist it. By embracing it, I am letting go of my need to always be in control and placing it in God's hands. When you embrace change you are embracing the qualities of resilience, self-compassion, and growth. The older I get, the more I realize just how important it is to have these qualities.

When going through tough times, I often think about the woman I will be 5 to 10 years from now. I think to myself, "How would she handle this situation?" "How does she carry herself? and" "What qualities does she have?" In your 20s specifically life will be full of changes, but I have found that navigating these changes with grace will make them much easier. The woman I will be in the next few years will be a woman that has a soft and confident approach to life. She will handle life's transitions with grace and not let them control her. To become that woman one day, I must start acting like that woman until one day I am not acting anymore. When life challenges you, think about your future self's strength and confidence to get through those tough times. Find comfort that you are not defined by life's challenges and that it will not last forever.

 Throughout your life, you will go through many transitions. These transitions can be both good and bad and there is no way to predict when or how they will come. Whether it is a career change, a move to a new city, or the end of a friendship or relationship, life will always be unpredictable. You can only change the way you react to these changes. Each transition presents an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. In the moment, it may not seem this way, but these are the moments that will transform you and shape you in new and better ways.

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During challenging times, keeping a positive mindset is always important. The power of perspective can change your life for the better. It is best to focus only on the positives of the situation and not the negatives. By doing this you are practicing gratitude and allowing God to work in your life even in tough times. Relying on my faith for the past few months has helped me so much. I let go and let God. This semester I have started spending intentional time with God and allowed him to work throughout my life and it has been extremely helpful in my journey of embracing change.

What helps me the most during these changes is journaling. I have learned that I am naturally reactive, and I have made a conscious effort to take a moment before responding. Writing down my feelings helps me process my emotions before I react. This is just one example of a healthy coping strategy, there are plenty to implement into your life. Other examples include meditation, self-care, and prayer,

It is also important to rely on your village as you go through changes in your life. It is easy to feel isolated from your friends and feelings when going through new life changes, but these are the moments you should be relying on your loved ones the most! Remember that they only want the best for you and want to see you succeed in all areas of life.

In conclusion, by embracing change with grace you are allowing yourself to grow through life's transitions. Remember you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.

Thank you so much for reading.

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Until the next blog post!

Lindsay Mariah

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